{The Winters Family} Colorado Springs Family Lifestyle Photographer
This family is so beautiful inside & out. You can see it through their love for one another, through their patience, encouragement & positive outlook on life. I just love watching Kelly & Eric parent their three little beauties; what a precious testimony to God's love for us. Keep up the good work you two!!! On a lighter note...I truly value their trust in me as a photographer. I may have asked them to walk through tall, scratchy, poky, itchy rattle-snake infested (ok, I don't really know if there were rattle-snakes, but I did hear rattling noises) grasses to get to this beautiful location. One of my favorite little hidden spots, but I usually use it in the evenings for shoots, so hiking back in during the heat of the morning sun was a bit crazy. Plus add 3 girls under the age of 4. Like I said, these guys ROCK! No complaints, just smiles. We worked with the elements & created some beautiful images together if you ask me. Till next time guys...enjoy your peek! =)