
I knew it was time to post a personal entry, when I had a good friend/fellow photographer inbox me this morning to ask if everything was ok!;) Yes, it's true, I've been a bit MIA lately from all of my social media accounts!!! Here's why...we are closing on our NEW house 1 week from today!!! We are over the moon excited & was honestly waiting to announce it all next week, but figured if my friend was wondering what happened to me, I might have some clients who wondered what happened to me too!!!! So, I'm ok, just taking serious advantage of my SLOW photography season & packing like crazy over here!!! We have been renting out our own (home) in the meantime from the investor who purchased it until we were ready to move out...which has been a blessing, but also challenging in the sense that we have had to keep it clean while packing for potential renter showings after we leave. A convoluted scenario indeed, but we are grateful for the peace it has brought us in the midst of this changing season. We are re-locating to Monument (for those of you wondering...not out of state, just a little further north for work, schools, etc.). My new address will be on all of my fancy new return address labels I just purchased for CKE Photography!!! =) And I haven't JUST been thinking about our future Fixer Upper (though I admit is has consumed most of my thoughts during my sleepless nights) I've also been plugging away on this year's MANY Styled Mini-Session Themes & I'm excited to announce them HERE at the end of this post...so stay tuned!!! Once we are good & settled into our new home, I will be posting plenty of before/after shots of the house & all of the DIY projects we plan to attack. Yes, as many of you know, I am a true DIYer at heart & might be slightly obsessed with Jo-Jo & Chip from HGTV's "Fixer Upper" show. I've stolen all kinds of glorious ideas I plan on incorporating from this season's episodes. So anytime you see a post on FB that reads "personal" in the category section, you can pretty much assume it'll be an update on the house. Now, here's to hoping I can juggle it all this year during my BUSY photography season.;) Thanks for your patience & support. I love ya'll...now on to the stuff you've REALLY been wondering about...Styled Mini-Sessions!!!

Below are the months/themes for 2016 Styled Mini-Sessions:

MARCH 18th/19th: *Posh Pajama Party* (more details coming in Feb.!!!)

MAY 1st: *Mommy & Me Mini's--*Vintage Lace*

JULY 30th/31st: *Bohemian Summer Nights* (I'm super-duper excited about these & have been planning this particular set of styled mini's FOREVER...so get ready for some good stuff ya'll)

OCTOBER: 8th/9th: *Fall Foliage Fireside*

DECEMBER: 4th/5th: *Holly-Jolly Hearts, Hugs & Hot Chocolate*

I will have plenty of head's up for sign ups when these Styled Mini-Sessions are announced, but remember spots will be limited so JUMP on it if you know you want a spot!!! And remember, my regular mini-sessions (no props) are running now (through the remainder of January), April & September...so just contact me via e-mail: CourtneyKae@msn.com to book a spot!!! All Styled Mini-Sessions will be announced on my blog as well as on FB!!!


THANKS ya'll....looking forward to an AMAZING 2016 with you!!! =)


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